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Venous Ulcers

What is a Venous Ulcers

Venous ulcers are a type of wound that typically develops on the lower legs and ankles. They
occur when the veins in these areas are not able to effectively pump blood back to the heart,
causing the blood to pool in the legs. This can cause damage to the skin and underlying tissue,
eventually leading to an ulcer. Venous ulcers are generally shallow and irregular in shape, with
well-defined edges. They can be painful and may bleed or ooze pus. If left untreated, venous
ulcers can lead to serious infections. Treatment typically involves wearing compression
stockings, elevating the legs, and cleansing the wound and applying proper dressings. In severe
cases, surgical vein procedures or surgery may be necessary to repair the damaged veins. At
Complex Health Solutions, we offer a comprehensive wound care and vascular clinic where we
specialize in providing both wound care management and the required vein procedures. Our
goal is to help facilitate wound healing through the appropriate treatment and interventions.

Comprehensive Care for Venous Ulcers

At Complex Healthcare Solutions, we are proud to offer Limb Preservation Clinic for those
suffering from venous ulcers. Our highly trained staff provides comprehensive care, from
identifying the underlying cause of the ulcer to developing a personalized treatment plan. We
understand the unique challenges that venous ulcers can pose, and we are committed to
helping our patients heal and return to their normal activities. Our state-of-the-art facilities
feature the latest technology and treatments, and our team is passionate about providing the
best possible care. If you or a loved one is struggling with a venous ulcer, we encourage you to
contact us today to learn more about how we can help.

Signs and Symptoms

If blood pools inside the veins of the lower leg, then the fluids and blood cells will spill into the other tissues. This may cause dry, itchy skin and can cause skin disorders called stasis-dermatitis. It is an indicator of venous deficiency. Other early signs are:

  • Heaviness, leg swelling, and cramping
  • Dark red, purple, or brown, and the skin is hardened (this is a sign of pooling blood )
  • Tingling and itching



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