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Revenue Cycle Management

Complex Healthcare will provide hospital based programs for the opportunity to Share Risk with us.

Revenue Cycle Management Hospitals and Physician Practices

Complex Healthcare has a growing staff of professional billers, coders, and collection personnel. We have over 70 years of combined experience in Revenue Cycle Management. Many of our staff come directly from CMS Contractor TrailBlazer, here in DFW.

We know how to get you paid and will get your hospital or private practice the money you earned and deserve. We do your collections efficiently and in a timely manner. Complex also works with all EMR and Billing software packages, allowing us to get real time information about your activities, upload your superbills, procedures and office visits from the hospital or practice into the CMS clearing house and collect quickly on each day’s work.

Complex Healthcare works with several critical access hospitals, international US territory hospitals and several physician practices here in the US. We also work with our Joint Venture partners to make sure they are paid timely, with little headache from Medicare, Medicaid, or Private Insurers. If you are having problems getting paid, let Complex Healthcare take those worries off your plate.


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